
Life is unfair.

Here was a blatant scam artist, an Israeli man but got away with just 3 year prison and 15 months. He literally scammed women for millions ala ponzi scheme!

The thing is, watching this series triggerred my curious self. Checking on the social media site has found to be bringing back self victimizing thoughts again. An emotion which I dont want to delve into anymore.

I got past THAT!

2023 June School Holidays

How times have changed – drastically for 1 generation.

Our June 2023 holidays was a whirlwind, yet full of unexpected and free flow experiences.

First, we were thinking of flying and going overseas. The thing was, the decision to spend a quick weekend ++ with Rory was hinged on the fact that June 2, a Friday was a public holiday. So just days before the D day came, our family decided to spend the long weekend elsewhere. I asked Rory what kind of experience will make his holiday worthwhile this year. He said riding a boat will do!

And off we rode the ferry to Indonesia.

SQUALL. Your read it right. At the onset of our travel, some weather disturbance is already off in the air. As soon as we boarded the ferry at exactly 8AM, looming clouds from the distance started to appear. At first, the weather forecast said Singapore were to have rain from between 11-2 PM. With the sweltering heat weeks prior, this is a welcome respite, or so we thought!

As soon as the boat started sailing, here comes the trickling of raindrops in the sea swept windows of our ferry. Barely 5 minutes out and the waves started to swell! For an 8 year old boy, this is exciting! But for someone who has seen how this body of water unexpected unleash its fury in a blink of an eye, I was tense. But knowing the destination is not too far out, just a short 30 min (40km) ferry ride, all I could muster is to watch thru the bridge how the pilot skillfully criss crosses waves, perhaps 8 ft high in order for our ride to still remain comfortable. I got a big sigh of relief as soon as I could see the bouys dotted the landscape. LAND! I said inside of me. For a boy, the 30 min ride is forever etched into his memory -and so does this bigger boy!

Golf: One of our main agenda is for Rory to play an 18 hole round without the pressure of the flight behind us. And so we choose a golf course that would allow him to play a round with us. A 4 minute video is created for him to remember this day as well!

Resort Stay: finally, a place to stay. As a stickler for good view and nature inspired location, we choose a beachfront resort to spend this weekend! The place was oozing with frolickers and holiday makers for this loong weekend! Before we know it, we are already enjoying the place’s quaint marina frontage and lightly forested backyard.

Before I could type SAYONARA, memories flooded my brain and Im looking forward to the next island getaway!