Update on week 3 – April 20-24

So now, the measures here have been extended to June1 !

Which, need a new plan for 6 weeks. My plan is to stick to the 1st month plan. And simply repeat the process in the next month..Meaning

week 1 – cardboard toys
week 2 – songs
week 3 – poem, paint
week 4 – IT, paper, write

For now, Im enjoying the acoustic guitar !

So….this is it! Lockdown! what do I do?!

Community quarantine, state of emergency, circuit breaker, lockdown, COVID 19 is changing the way people live, work and play. And so in the month long ‘circuit breaker’ decision made by my host country, I have to make plans on what to do to tide away..

Stay home plans!

1. Week 1: Make cardboard toys for my son
2. Week 2: Make music, compose, perfect a lead guitar
3. Week 3: Compose art, paint, compose poem, write
4. Week 4: Technical, make Webpage, compose program,