Mid year 2012 update

Well it’s middle of the year again! And boy, Tim really paces faster than one has time I ay cheese during a photo shoot. How am I faring in this life race? God – this is my 3rd month of being in prayer for a ministry. I am in short on sabbatical to re-examine my life priorities. Question is – what fruits have I bore? After all the psalmist said: Psalm 1:1-3 (NIV) Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, [2] but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. [3] That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers. Family – since declining to accept the youth pastor role, I have now more time on my hands to attend to my boys. I can see our relationship getting better each day. I can joke with them again without ridicule. I can see through their eyes and generally not judging them of who they are. I am giving myself until end of 2012 before I plunge myself into a new ministry role. For now my kids are enjoying the attention, albeit short lived at times due to my school commitments. Work – this is my 3rd year in my global role, and surprisingly my 15th year of service in the company. On the same token, I have also received offers from other companies, and yet remained loyal to the company I joined since college. My boy scout scoutmaster was right when he said loyalty is one of the hallmark of a good scout.

July update:35- best score ever

I had a blast today! Coming off from almost 1 month of sluggish golf, I scored +6 on a 9 hole round with friends! The pace was slow but steady at first. After the 2nd hole I knew my puting would rescue me from wayward drives. True enough, the most putts I had was in 1 hole where I 3 putted for bogey. The rest are easy 2 putts with 3 birdey opportunity. Four pars was also my best in this public course, granting I’ve been playing with this course for the last 9 years (on and off). No complaints. Considering I travelled to 3 countries in the last 3 weeks. Preparing for my tri race too on August 26 is a big challenge.